I'm dancin' a jig, I'm shoutin' from the rooftops, I'm so excited! My husband called me today and said we recieved a donation from a relative for $800 toward our adoption! When we mailed out those letters, my expectations were low. I figured if only 10 or 15 people sent in a donation for an average of $50, we MIGHT end up with between $500 or $1,000, now here we already have $800 and have already recieved a few other dontations! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, to everyone who has donated!
Just last night, as we were looking at our dossier and home study paperwork, I noticed that one of the next things we have to file is a government form that costs $670 and our FBI fingerprinting that cost $80 each--for a total of $830! God has provided the amount we need, JUST IN TIME!!! Wow! We serve an amazing God! I can't thank you enough for giving what God lays on your heart to give! It means so much to us because we can't do this alone. The next big cost is only a couple months away, our home study fees (I can't remember the exact cost, but I think it is around $1,500.00) and $200 toward the country fee.After we complete our home study and pay those fees, we will be eligible for many more grants and other funding. I'm praising God today for what I am calling "Miracle #1" of this adoption journey. I can't wait to see what other miracles are waiting in the days and weeks ahead!
We just held our first fundraiser and it brought in $900 right as we prepare to do USCIS which costs about that much. Isn't God cool??